
item: OhYeah!

When I come abroad, one of my enjoyments is browsing local supermarkets, pharmacies, and sport gear shops. I do that this time too, of course.

I bought this because I like its name.
同じ棚にあったMuscle milkは普通のライトがあったので、ライトにしてみました。
Who decided "ok, let's call our product 'Oh Yeah!' "?
Milk Muscle are at the same shelf. There are normal one and light one. I chose light one this time.

ちなみにGNCはGeneral Nutrition Centersの略。プロテインパウダーとかビタミンとか売っているお店です。
GNC stands for General Nutrition Centers. This shop sells vitamins or protein powder, etc.

味は後日ご報告… オーイエ〜ッ!な結果が走りで出るのかどうか?
I'll report its taste when I try them later... I wonder how OhYear!-esque result comes out with my running.