
Run+city: ad

One of good things about moving around in town with my own feet is you can stop wherever and whenever you'd like. I noticed this ad at the bus stop the other day.
This ad is an introduction of various sightseeing places in Tokyo, sponsored by Bureau of Transportation, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Yes, I'm also running too. For the sake of good bread :) (The ad says "I collected them with running in Tokyo.")

btw, these shed rain is called uwaya (The one at a construction site is also called so).

この上屋広告は、フランス・リヨンで1964年に誕生したJCDecaux(ジェーシードゥコー)社がStreet Furniture(ストリート・ファニチャー)事業の1つとして展開しているものです。そのJCDecaux社と三菱商事が設立したMCDecaux(エムシードゥコー)社によって日本国内での展開が進められています。2003年、岡山市内への設置が第1号でした。
This "uwaya ad" has been produced by French company JCDecaux, which was established in Lyon in 1964, and this is one of street furniture business. JCDecaux and Mitsubishi Corporation have launched MCDecaux and MCDecaux does this ad series with uwaya in Japan. The first uwaya ad in Japan was seen in Okayama in 2003.

I was surprise to know that not only JCDecaux and MCDecaux won't charge anything to bus company for this but also they take care of its maintenance for a long period for free. The advertising revenue covers everything.