
Run+shoulder blade

2008年12月にハワイで行われたXTERRAトレイルランチャンピオンシップ第1回前日。XTERRA Universityにてプロ・アスリートDanelle Kabushさんの「トレランクリニック」講座が開かれ、最後に質疑応答がありました。
On the day before the 1st XTERRA Trail Running Championship is held in Hawaii in December 2008. Danelle Kabush, who is professional athlete, gave a lecture at XTERRA University. There was a question and answer session at the end.
ちなみにDanelle Kabushさんのトレーニング動画はこちら
btw, one of Danelle Kabush's training videos here.

挙がった質問に「(レース後半で)辛いとき、どうしのげばいいですか?」というものがあり、それに対する彼女の答えは「そういう時こそ腕を振って! 腕が振れれば足はついてくるから」、でした。
One of questions was "(In the later of a race) when it gets really tough, what should I try?" Her answer was "Pump your arms! Especially in those situation, pump them! If you do that, your steps will follow."

One of things I learned since I exercise regularly is human muscle is connected somehow in an entire body. Pumping your arms is related with shoulders, shoulders connected to a neck... everything is something like that.

I heard from a masseur before that those who have stoop have their shoulder blades buried. Because muscles over shoulder blades are so rigid that it's just like a lid to seal them inside. It'd take a while to pull it out at normal position."

It does feels good to move your arms or shoulders during coffee break at work, doesn't it?