
TBR21-2: The City Bakery

I had a chance to have lunch with villagecafe. The place we went is a bakery, of course!

3 West 18th Street, New York City
212 366-1414

The City Bakery 3 West 18th Street, New York City 212 366-1414
They sell not only bread but also cookies and pastry, and there is a buffet too which you can eat with bread. It seems to be always crowded with customers.

Since there is Japanese written in a menu, I asked a clerk and she said "Yes, we have many Japanese customers."

There are no typos as far as I saw ; ) I guess it can't be help with tart is written ta-ah-to, not ta-ru-to as Japanese say, since it's more close to an English pronunciation.

写真に見える青菜はほうれん草ではなく、ケールです。青汁の原料の1つですね。新橋のジューススタンドでは見かけますが(笑)、スーパーで見ることはあまりないのではないでしょうか…? 少なくともうちの近所ではお目にかかりませんねぇ。
A green in this photo is kale, not spinach. It is one of ingredients of aojiru juice. Shimbashi juice kiosk(?) sell aojiru juice, but it's rare to find it at regular supermarket. I never see it in my neighborhood at least.

Here comes The Bread Runner! Haha.

villagecafeさんと愛機Cannon SD300を。これからもブログ楽しみにしています!
villagecafe and Cannon SD300 which has captured many beautiful scenes in NY. I'm looking forward to more in your blog!

先のThe High Lineからは約1マイル、1.6km。
It's about 1 mile from The High Line.