
item: Trail Running mag no.6

I put tape on a right knee which I am little anxious for a running event for Venice marathon yesterday.

一応、イタリアンカラーで:) 芥田さん、緑も出して〜。
With Italian colours' combo. Akuta-san, please have a think to add green in a lineup.

Thanks to it, I finished just fine with three hours running event.

現在発売中のTrail Running magazine タカタッタ No.6(エイ出版社)で「『膝のここが痛いんです!』痛い場所分析レポ」を書いております。p110−111を見てね!
And a little PR...
I contribute an article about knee pain, "My knee hurts right here!" for Trail Running magazine takatatta No.6 Please have a look at page 110-111 if you have any chance.