
item: Chichiyasu yogurt

I like home made fruit yogurt with plain one, but as those who are from Hiroshima, I feel nostalgic with this Chichiyasu yogurt. (Chichiyasu K.K.)
I had it at almost every breakfast when I was little, but its package didn't have this character back then.
His name is Chee-bo (Chee from Chichiyasu, bo is nickname to call boys in a sort of old Japanese), and was born in 1953, Showa 28, btw.

An origin of a name was written at Wiki.
"The current [company name] Chichiyasu is decided by Kiyogirou Nomura, the second generation. It's a combination of his father's name Tamotsu's kanji read differently to replaced yasu and Chichi implies father and milk. I see.

Mamma mia, Chichiyasu is the 125th anniversary this year, Darling!
They sold the first yogurt in Japan in 1917, Taisho 6. Their history, a secret of its container, etc. is here.