
TBR35-1: UrDinkel at Coop Pronto

スイスの特派員Sさんからレポが届きました! ちなみにSさんはパン・サイクリストです。
Just received a report from Correspondent S in Switzerland! S is The Bread Cyclist, btw.


Bread I picked up at a mini-mart was three bucks and looks tasty!

One of delighted things about living in Switzerland is that you can get good breads at a regular supermarket. You have to go to a special bakery in Tokyo to get such breads, but it's available at small stores like combini here in Switzerland.

買った店はCoop Pronto。スイスはCoopとMIGROSが最大手のスーパーで、ProntoはCoopのコンビニ版。23時まで開いているの(スイスでは珍しいことよ)。
I bought this at Coop Pront. Coop and MIGROS are bigger supermarkets in Switzerland and Coop Pront is Coop's combini version. They open until 23:00 but that's rare in here Switzerland.


手軽においしいパンがゲットできる!? ん〜、それはうらやましい!
Good breads are easily available around you? Gee, I'm jealous!

The logo on a bread shows that this bread is made of spelt which was produced in Switzerland.

There are recipe page and online shops at an official site.

The shop locator is in four languages, German, French, Italian, and English. This store must be in Switzerland!

For instance, you'll find it at near this station.

So, if you feel like to have a good bread while traveling in Switzerland, why don't you drop by a supermarket near your hotel.