
people: Chung Yoonchul

The 2nd Damah Film Festival was held in Hiroshima on Nov. 26-28 last year.
Chung Yoonchul, Director of "Marathon," was invited as a guest.

I interviewed him on a Gangi Taxi (boat taxi), which is one of Hiroshima's (hidden?) specials, since he was in that city. (Hiroshima citizens, however, can use that taxi for their commutes if they wish. It's not just for sightseeing)

How did you start to shoot a film "Marathon"?

本(「 달려라! 형진아」)を先に読み、それがちょうど私自身もランニングを始めた頃でした。そこで実際に走っている私が作品にすれば、そのリアルを見せることができるのでは、と思ったのです。
I read the non-fiction story first and around that time, I started jogging. So, I thought that it'd be good to shoot this story by someone -- me -- who is actually running to show the real thing.

I heard you have practiced with Pae Hyon Jin, runner and main character in this story, for long time.

Yes, I've run with him every weekend.

実際ペ・ヒョンジンさんもこの大会を走られましたが、やはりそれがこの大会を選んだ大きな理由でしたか? それとも撮影のタイミングがちょうど合ったとか?
Chuncheon Marathon is a large-scale race in which 50,000 runners participate. The reason why you chose this race is because Pae Hyon Jin actually ran this race? Or just a good timing to shoot the film?

Yes, that was the main reason, but also when the race was held, the leaves were just colored beautifully. So it became a memorable image of the film.

ご自身が走られている時、何を考えますか? または何も考えませんか?
About what do you think when you are running? Or do you think about nothing?

Well, running is good for you. But more than that, I think I can observe things well and see things more deeply.

パソコンの前では「脳から身体」に信号が行くようですが、走っている時は「心から身体」に信号が行くように感じます。外から入って来る情報をよく認識できるような… きっと脳がリラックスしているからではないでしょうか。
When I sit in front of PC, I feel like signal goes from brain to body, but when I run, it goes from heart to body. I feel like to be able to recognize information coming from outside better... I guess it's because that my brain relaxes.

Was there any particular episode during the shooting of the film?

I said to Cho Seung Woo/조승우, who played Hyon Jin's role, "Let's do spontaneous acting." Acting autistic is not seen as natural, even when we try hard. The feelings of people with autism are real, and they are very pure just like a child, and honest. Therefore I told him "Please act by thinking you are five years old". Cho Seung Woo said, "I was able to act very freely unlike in other movies. It was very good".

Sometime he was busy taking pictures.

There is a scene which Hyon Jin passes coach his bottle of water to coach. He didn't do that in the earlier part, right?

This was actually happened to me. One and half years after we began a workout together, he shared water and fruit after training. I felt that I became his friend from being a person whom he did not know well in him.

子供は純粋だから、大人のように初対面のあいさつで愛想笑いはしないですよね。知らない人には時に残酷なほど冷たいし、無関心でしょう? でも一度友達になれば、笑い合ったり、分け合ったりすることができる。それと[自閉症の方々の反応は]同じなのです。
Children are pure so that they don't smile at you at the first greeting. Sometimes they act so cruelly, cold, and show zero interest in you, right? However, once we became friends, we laugh with each other and share things. It's the same reaction of people with autism.

Director gave a message to Japanese runners.
"새는 날고 물고기는 헤엄치고 인간은 달린다"
"Bird flies, fish swims, and man runs"

This is Emil Zátopek's quote. Zátopek is "Czech long-distance runner best known for winning gold medal in the 10,000m race in the 1948 Summer Olympics in London and three gold medals at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki. He won gold in the 5,000m and 10,000m races.

The original story which the director read is translated into Japanese.

The book is written by Pae Hyon-Jin's mother.

Days of the challenge of not only the marathon but also the triathlon, her very close watch on him and fighting together with him, and her quote "I must live longer than my child by a day." I think parents' love is strong, deep, and firm to be able to do it all.

I, whose hometown is Hiroshima, was glad to see the director enjoyed the interview on the water.

Director told me two types of yoga which are popular in South Korea now. We can find those classrooms here in Japan, too.

PS: The director told me two types of yoga which are popular in South Korea now. We can try those here in Japan, too. Ashtanga Yoga: An origin of present power yoga. Breathing and keeping Asana (pose) are meant to be done together. Hot yoga: Sweating a lot just like when running. 500ml of sweat or more per hour has been reported.
(From Wiki).