
race: May and July in Seoul, Korea

"지부장님 2개 대회 일본인 무료 초대합니다."
"Director [of Japanese branch], Japanese participants' entry fee is free for two races."

大会1)5/1(日) 高度200−800m 45km ソロ 制限時間13時間
大会2)7/2(土) 高度185−650m 85km 4名チーム(韓国人のランナー達と) 制限時間24時間
Both races are held in Seoul.
Race 1) May 1, Sunday, Elevation 200-800m, 45km, solo, time limit: 13 hours
Race 2) July 2, Saturday, Elevation 185-650m, 85km, 4 people, time limit: 24 hours
I've asked for an elevation profile to be sent.

His mail came with these pictures...

Look at this steep hill (and fog underneath!)

Yap, it's certainly mountains in Korea. Very rocky.

You'll get a trophy with your face printed.

ご興味ある方は eikonishida30*hotmail.com まで*を@に変えて「韓国トレラン」の表題でご連絡ください。参加ご希望の方は連盟本部にお名前を伝えます。
If you are interested in, Email me at eikonishida30*hotmail.com (please change * to @) with subject "Trail Running in Korea." If you'd like to take a part in, I'll pass your name to HQ.

私もどちらかは参加したいです… うまくツアーが組めればこのブログで発表します。
I'd like to take a part in one of them and if there is a tour, I'll make an announcement here at my blog.