
people: Shunsuke Okunomiya

先日のrun like a girlで先生として登場された奥宮選手。実は先日紹介した2011 三原・白竜湖トレイルランレースのレースアドバイザーとして関わっていらっしゃいます。大会生まれたきっかけからコースの魅力まで、お話をうかがいました。
Shunsuke Okunomiya. Okunomiya is one of the Montrail athletes and he gave us a lecture at "run like a girl" the other weekend. He is a race advisor for the Mihara Hakuryuko race 2011. Here is an exclusive interview about the race.

2011 三原・白竜湖トレイルランレース大会が立ち上がったきっかけは何でしたか?
How this race was born?
My mother is from Kure, Hiroshima, and my uncle also lives there. So I had many chance to go there since I was little and run in the area.

My first impression about trails in Hiroshima is they are comfortable to run. Not red clay, and once you climb to the top, you can enjoy a view of the Inland Sea. So I've told my uncle for several years, who works at an ad agency, that he should do some trail running event there.

One day, an enquiry about revitalizing the town came to his office. So heremembered what I said. In fact, there are other cities such as Kure and others, but after considering the course practically, Mihara was chosen.

Recently, long distance races have become very popular. How were the35k and 18k decided?
An interesting course should be the priority. First I was thinking of 10k or even shorter. For awareness of "trail running" as a sport, I'd like to have many beginners take part, and a course round Seishinji camp area would give us enough distance for a short course.

And for us, the organizers, it is also a first trial, so it'd be better to be a small but good size. Though, local people highly recommend letting runners enjoy our local fruit, so the course was getting longer (laugh). It's called Kajitsu-no-mori (forest of fruits) park which is in both courses and the most popular sightseeing place in Mihara.

And I found a good trail to Hakuryuko last winter so this has become such a course.

The long course has two waterfalls and is like running in local mountains,neither serious nor hilly mountains, so it should be easy to run.

You said earlier that you're thinking of local Hiroshima runners, but unfortunately this race is held on the same day as the Ultra Marathon Shiwai (Sep. 18). I already heard some local runners saying that it's pity.
そうなんですよ… 残念ながら三原市の運営の関係でこの日になりました。他の週末は別のイベントがすでに入っていたり、「11月くらいはどうですか?」とも提案したんですが、「売りのフルーツが出ない」と(苦笑)。あまりに時期がずれると雪の心配もありますしね。共存共栄を考えて次回は後発のこのレースが開催時期をずらす必要があるかもしれませんね。
I know... I'm sorry that happens because of organizational matters. Other weekends are already fully booked and I said how about November? But it's off-season for fruit. And if it was later, we'd have to start to worry about snow. But I think we do need to think of changing date to allow both races beloved by local runners.

I see, let's hope it won't overlap next year! So, please introduce the committee.
Kono-san--He sells second-hand cars, but originally he is an athlete
: roadrunner, trail runner and even ultra runner. He's become more serious and opened a sport gym at his shop. He has many members*.

Higashi-san--He works for Mihara City. He is
a top runner. He won the first prize at the 3rd Sugadaira in 2010. As a road runner, he clocked 2:19:12 at a full marathon and took part in the Fukuoka International Open Marathon Championship.

We originally met at National Sport Festival of Japan five years ago and last year at Sugadaira I said to him I would get involved with a race in Mihara, Hiroshima, so yoroshiku-onegai-shimasu. Then unexpectedly he said that he works for Mihara City (laugh). He introduced theminister of Education (of Mihara city) and helped to introduce me to manyothers.

BTW, my uncle used to be "Kihara Papa" on a local TV program, so he knows some mass media people, which helped too.

* 出場するには日本陸上競技連盟に登録し、かつ、以下の記録を保持していなければいけません(つまりすごくかいつまんで言うと、とても早いランナー、ということです!)
* To entry, runners must register at Japan Association of Athletics Federations and must have records below. (To say it short, he has to be a very very very fast runner!)

That's very interesting. Now I think The race is meant to be born. Please let us know the highlights of this race.
前半(果実の森)給水場の前ですが、飛行場が見えるビューポイントがあります。給水所になっている「果実の森」は食べどころです。もも、ぶどう、なし… 前半のがんばりをここで癒してください。
The first half, you have a view point of Hiroshima Airport, before the firsthydration point where you can enjoy as much fruit as you like. Peach, grape, pear... please refresh yourself and get charged for the latter part.

Around Bakusetsu-no-taki fall after Seishin-ji is bit technical. Experienced runnersshould enjoy there.

And for a short period of time, you hit paved road and cross a bridge over theNumata river. From there, you can see the Hiroshima Airport Bridge which opened this April 20. Another view point.

Running along a creek toward to Hiroshima Airport, there is a waterfall. It's Jyoo-no-taki (Queen's water fall) which is used for an opening of NHK drama "Motonari Mouri."

The course is round trip, but the trail has enough width. You can cheer up each other when you pass.

楽しみですね! では最後に参加を考えている初心者・経験者のランナーの方々にメッセージをよろしくお願いいたします。
I can't wait! Finally, please give messages to both types of runner: beginners and experienced.
To beginners:
Please get to know of such beautiful trails in your town. There are lots of mountains in Hiroshima but most of them are not well-known. I hope you start trail running because of this race and if you find more interesting trails, please let me know.

To experienced runners:
The course is easy to run though, so you can let loose your speed. I hope you enjoy the feeling of soaking yourself in nature.

Okunomiya-san, thank you very much for your time.
I will run this race this September and am very much looking forward to it.
I will update my blog when more details are set about this race.