
things: dried fish

A season of the Pacific saury has come.

...but it's bit tough to cut them into filet by myself, but I'd like to eat fish, not sashimi... Then, look what I found.
増永食品 特選小浜煮

They are finger food size.
Horse mackerel, anchovy, shrimp, and flounder are mixed.

This is good. Although a starch syrup is covered but not too sweet and you can get calcium easily even almost you feel like to eat snacks.

ちなみにカルシウムは適量の高たんぱく質と一緒に摂取すると吸収率が高まるそうです。ということは… やっぱり豆乳もう一杯
It is said that an absorptivity will increase if calcium is taken together with a proper quantity of high proteins. Another cup of Soy milk? ;-)