
パン・ラン/The bread runner 2-7 広島アンデルセン、ゴール。

Reached the goal! @11:26

〒730-0035 広島市中区本通7-1
Hiroshima Andersen
7-1 Hondori, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0035
10:00 - 20:00 (Breakfast: from 7:30)
(opening hours vary depending on floor)

全景は建築マップさんのこちらからどうぞ! 建物の歴史が詳しく紹介されています。
You can enjoy the good exterior shot here, courtesy of arch-hiroshima. Includes information about the history of this building.

私の初・広島アンデルセンは1歳の誕生日… そして子供のころ毎日のようにアンデルセンのパンを食べてきた私にとって、お店に入ってパンの香りを嗅いだ瞬間にアドレナリン大放出です。
My first experience with Hiroshima Andersen was on my first birthday... I ate Andersen's breads on a daily basis as a child, so that the moment I stepped into this shop, adrenaline ran through me!

This month's recommendation: Cornbread wrapped with Shizuoka's unique cabbage (¥735, available at Hiroshima Andersen only).
They recommend that you enjoy this "shokuji (=meal)" bread with a soup, or simply tear a bit from a loaf for a snack. You'd be surprised by the sweetness of the cabbage.

サイトに「バターをたっぷり練り込んで」とありました… が、今日もそれなりに走ったのでよしとしましょう(カロリー調査は宿題ですね。広島チームの方、見かけたらよろしくです)。
Denmark Roll (¥110. 5-piece pack is also available. Available at Aoyama Andersen too). Is it just me who tries to peel only the white icing bits first?
A site said "lavish amounts of butter kneaded in"... well, I ran about enough, so it should be fine, I guess! (It is homework to check its calories though. Hello my correspondent in Hiroshima, can you check this please?).

On the ground floor, they have been using Ishigama (stone oven) and bake many, many, many kinds of bread every day. There's not even a short moment that the oven does not have bread dough in it – even when not baking bread a dough called "sute-kiji (a dough to abandon)" is thrown in to keep the best temperature inside.

There was no time to swing by there whenever I came back my hometown. Therefore I got too excited about this visit and forgot to take a picture of The Bread Runner logo and the Andersen logo together...

After Andersen, I left Hondori shopping arcade.

Actually there was another plan to stop by Teramachi, but I had to do o-haka mairi for o-higan in that afternoon (visiting ancestors' graves at the Spring equinox. It's one of the Buddhist services, but people do it even if they are not Buddhist) so Bread Runner 2 ends here! I also missed deRien's Hacchobori branch.
Still there are tons of good bread shops in Hiroshima. Stay tuned!

0.5km, in total 16.7km.