
パン・ラン/The bread runner 3 船越堤公園>芹沢銈介美術館

"After you hit R407, the road becomes little hilly and you can see JUSCO on your right." Yes, just as he said!

TIPS of TBR: Grab biker, postman, or staff at a gas station if you have any questions about roads.

登呂遺跡まで5km @15:18
5km to The Toro ruins.

Ah, so tempting to take a hot bath...

登呂遺跡まで3km @15:38
3km to The Toro ruins.

The place I'd like to drop by is in the Toro ruins park...

Here, Shizuoka City Serizawa Keisuke Art Museum.

休館日 毎週月曜日、祝日の翌日、展示替期間中
入館料 大人410円

The dyeing art, which is used as seasonal wrapping paper at Ginza Akebono (a Japanese sweets company). That's one of Keisuke Serizawa's works. I also make wooden carvings from time to time at work, so I've wanted to come to this museum for a long time.

展示の中でも柏市から本展覧会のために借りてきている「釈迦十大弟子尊像」は圧巻。円陣をはるように特別室内に10枚の作品が内側を向いて飾られている。H2100mm×W1200mmの大型作品であるのみならず、墨ではなく黒漆を使用。部屋の真ん中に立つと作品から静かににじみ出る「力」に迫られる… あぁ、もう少し滞在したかった。
A series of "Shaka Jyudai deshi sonzo (Buddha's 10 greatest students)" is just breathtaking. 10 artworks are displayed with facing to a center of a special round shape room. Not only they are just big sized artworks, each H2100mm×W1200mm, but also they are printed using black Japanese lacquer, not a regular sumi ink. If you stand in the middle of this room, you'd feel the power oozed out from them... Wish I could stay longer.

Stayed until 16:30, when they close the museum.
