
パン・ラン/The bread runner 3-5>船越堤公園

Since I heard about sakura at Nihon-daira from Sato-san of Hito-tsubu-no-mugi, I'm in the mood for o-hanami. But running through Nihon-daira-->Ichigo (strawberry)-route-->a place I'd like to drop by-->Shizuoka station means I won't make it to meet my friends in town at night (even I run like a bullet!), so I decide to do a petit o-hanami at Funakoshi-zutsumi park instead.

This park is larger than I expected, btw. The official website said that there are about 1,000 somei-yoshino sakura in a 94,000m2 (about 23 acres) field.

I asked two gentlemen with bikes the quickest way to get to Shizuoka station who were in the training as I passed by in the park. They said that I'd better go back to R407 once. Thank you!

They were planning to take part in the Nihon-daira sakura marathon the next day. Wish a good, and fun, run to them both!
