
item: headphone

もうこれを買ったのはえらい前じゃと思います。iPod shuffleが出てすぐくらいじゃないかしら? それまでイヤフォンのコードの長いのが気になって気になって(巻いたとしても)、かと言ってBluetoothは高いし、絶対海外ならええがいに(=うまい具合に。広島弁)なっとる製品があるに違いないとグルグルで探していたところ…
I bought this was a while ago, I think when iPod shuffle was came out. A long wire of a regular earphone drove me crazy while running and I thought that there must be something neat and useful overseas to let me run with wire-free.

And I found this, Arriva

When you use it, this way you wear. The wire comes from the front of you and you can bend this wire as you wish to fit your head.

計ってみたらiPod shuffle込みで33gでした。
Its weight is 33g, including iPod shuffle.

It seems that I was the first person who ordered this from Japan. Because when I receive it by a regular snail mail, I Email them I was in good receipt and they Emailed me back to say "now we know how long it takes to Japan. Thank you!"

Now they have a choice of earbuds: a regular (mine) and an in-ear type.