
item: cataplasm in Italy

This is a package of cataplasm which I bought in Italy in the summer of 2004. (Well, it's said BAYER, but at least its package is in Italian)

I took a class for stranieri at Università di Urbino, Marche, and I run through between vineyards around the student residence in the morning or the evening for about one month. There is an another story which I discovered while staying in Italy in that summer.

It began to run because food at cafeteria was SO good! And each meal had Primo and Secondo. After several meals, I looked myself and said "Mamma mia!" You can guess how easily to gain weight, right? Bravi, carboidrati e formaggio.

I run with normal shoes and even its soles were worn out. Now I'm looking back and it was scary. I guess, well, no, it was definitely because of that, I hurt my feet after a couple of days.

I didn't prepare for cataplasm from Japan. Of course not.
I didn't know what to do for a while and then thought "Wait, Italian could have a stiff neck or have bruise, too. Let's have a look at a pharmacy."

"Ciao, c'e la caraplasma? (Hi, is there a cataplasm?)" and "Si, eccola qui. (Yes, there you go)" There it is!

I forgot how much it was, but I still save one sheet out of five. Though, effect of medicine might already have gone after six years…