
things: running shoes and runner's toe

I used this shoes at Seoul Marathon.


Its soles are not worn out yet, but I thought I'd better to buy a spare (I know I have other pairs at shoe shelves).



So many choices at a store, but I don't like to buy something totally different from the current one. Wait, there is the same pair with different colours. Yahoo!


Usually my shoe size is 23.5~24.0cm, but running shoes are plus 1.0~1.5cm.

むか〜し昔、一番最初に買った靴はジャストサイズで(某スポーツチェーン店の定員さんのアドバイスに従ったのですが…)、それでフルを走ったら当たり前のように爪が無くなりました(=爪下血腫。爪の下に水や血が溜まり、それが引くと下から新しくやわらかい爪が出てくるので古い爪がもげる。あれっ、ところで「もげる」って通じます? 取れることなんですけど…)。

The first time when I bought running shoes at one sports gear chain store, a clerk recommended just my size. And I run full marathon, then as you can imagine, I got runner's toes (or called Subungual Hematoma. After a while, depends on severe how long it would take, the new nails are born eventually and the old one will come off).


Sport orthopedist said that in that case, making a hole at the bottom edge of that nail would help to drain blood out and not to loose a nail at all.


Finally, rain stopped. It's so much fun to use items at the first time, isn't it?