
things: Runnap

Who do you know he is with a nice smile?
ok, even his face is not familiar with you, how about these little buttons?

Runnap: buttons which hold a bib on your T-shirt at race. Mr. Koichiro Shiina, has invented that.

"Mr. Runnap" is also runner himself of over 20 years. One day his running friend said "it's difficult to use safety pins because my hands shake and are benumbed in winter, and rust remains on T-shirt in summer. Is there anything can be replaced with them?" That one chat made him started to invent Runnap. After a long and winding road, Runnap has settle down with current shapes and material.

Runnap is used at big races too. These are for the 1st Nara Marathon.

He produces various lineups. These were first sold as solid reflection type, but didn't get much popularity. They Shiina-san added little cuties then suddenly became popular items.
The gray part is a reflection material.

These are "Support Tohoku" Runnap.
Logo is made by one company and provide it for free to use.

He's made a couple of inventions such as a grave stone made of aluminium. Also went to a script school and still writing scripts for films.

One phrase still remains in my heart. "I think that the time when people line their pockets ends. It's much better to let everyone use the good item reasonably. The true impression and sympathy will be born from that attitude." Of course, a company itself needs to make some profits, but "if you get greedy, you'd get failed."

If you have a chance to see his smile at any race which you take part in, please say "Runnap ojisaaaaan!" to him. You'd enjoy a chat with him.

I learned so many things while I interviewed him. Thank you very much, Mr. Runnap!

ps: 「プロジェクトX」ばりの開発秘話が1冊にまとまっています。500円(送料税込)でランナップショップで発売中。
ps: He wrote a book about how Runnap was born, sales through tough early days, people he met, etc. It's available online with 500 yen (incl. shipping and VAT within Japan).
Never Give Up! Break a wall: The new product development (in Japanese)