
place: Hachiman-yu 2

今週も南蛮連合の水曜インターバル練習(400, 1000, 1200, 1200, 1000, 800, 400m)に参加して、仕上げは再び八幡湯
I took part in Namban Rengo Wednesday interval workout (400, 1000, 1200, 1200, 1000, 800, 400m) in Oda field this week. I used Hachiman-yu again after that.

It's fun to see those mini size shampoo and rinse bottles.

According to "Mother" from Hachiman-yu that there were 52 public bathes in Shibuya ward, but now it's only 15. Hachiman-yu has been here for over a half of a century.

Hachiman-yu is beloved by not only runners, but also ward residents. Wish more people use them for a long time from now on, too.