
people: Toru Higashi

I headed to more West by JR Sanyo-honsen after visiting KoKon.

Why the scenery of ocean seen through a window of a train is so beautiful.

Can you see Senkoji, Onomichi.

Arrived at Mihara Station in about 30 min. later.

Yassa festival is held for three days from Aug. 12th.
Seats for audiences were already set up.

駅から徒歩10分ほど、三原市役所に訪ねたのは、2011 三原・白竜湖トレイルランレースのコースディレクター・東 徹(ひがし とおる)さんです。
I visited Toru Higashi, a course director of 2011 Mihara Lake Hakuryuko Trail Running Race, at Mihara City office.
東さんは三原市大和町(だいわちょう)ご出身。中学校から陸上を始め、九州の大学で熊本の強豪選手達と腕を競い合い、9年前の富士登山駅伝に参加。以来、トレイルランの大会で素晴らしい成績を残していらっしゃいます(第1回つるぎトレイルランニングレースin那賀 優勝、第3回菅平スカイラントレイルランレース 優勝など)。
Higashi-san is from Daiwa-cho, Mihara city. He started track and field sports at his junior high school. When University student in Kyushu, he run with high level runners in Kumamoto and compete with them and he participated at the Fuji climbing mountain ekiden relay with them nine years ago. Since then, he left wonderful records (Won at the 1st Tsurugi Trail Running race in Naka and the 3rd Sugadaira Sky Run Trail Running race).

He chose the course for this race since this is his "home." When I interviewed Okunomyiya-san the other day, he said that around Bakusetsu-no-taki fall after Joshin-ji is bit technical. I'm kinda worried about it... Higashi-san, how technical would be?

「そうですね… 岩々(いわいわ)している感じです(ニッコリ)」。
"Let see... little rocky out there (smile)."

ah, ok... I guess I will see it then.

ps: Around Mihara Station.

A baseball team of Jyosuikan is doing fine at Koshien now.

When you go to Hiroshima city to see Carp baseball game from Mihara, don't forget to buy a special discount ticket.

"You will find a good view (Miharashi) in Miharashi."

oh, btw, Higashi-san. Why this building is called MICKY-DO?