
interview: Toru Higashi


Here is an interview to Shunsuke Okunomiya, one week later of the Mihara Hakuryuko race 2011.


Today I bring you an interview to Toru Higashi, course director.


[interview to Toru Higashi]




About one week has passed after a race. You usually participate at a race as an athlete, don't you? How do you feel or what do you think now?

This race was made from a scratch, so I was nervous how it went. But we had many helps and supports and a race was able to be carried out for real. So I thought that we could do it if we really want to make it happened. I'm so relieved now that the first race was over.

I'm glad to hear comments from participants such as "I had fun" or "I'd like to participate next year too" as the one who was at a management side. And I also think it was good to have this race since I hear same comments from those who were staff members but not members of Daiwa Soyukai.





I've heard that Okunomiya-san told you about this race last year at Sugadaira race. When you heard about this idea, what did you think?

There is little number of trail running races in west Japan, so it'd be a good chance to make trail running as a sport more popular in west Japan. I think where a race would be held has not decided yet back then and I was ready to be any help when things started to get rolled.

This may not everybody feels or thinks, but trail running races are often held in Kanto or Chubu area, so it seems to have some "distance" not only geographically but also mentally for athletes in west Japan. Since many runners who play active in a marathon etc. are in west Japan, I wished that this could be a good chance for them to encounter trail running.

大和走友会でメンバーのみが参加するような大会を開催なさったことはありますか? 今回の大会と比べ、規模以外での違いは何だったでしょうか? また以前の経験が役立った点は?




Have Daiwa Soyu-kai ever done any races which only club members can participate? If so, what's differences compared with this race, besides a size of a race? Also is there any experiences from that helped you this time?

We do sometimes a sort of races, but participants are members or our running friends, so it's not a real race. The responsibility is totally different between events which running "friends" do together for just fun and events which someone pays for it. There are lots of pressures.

What my experiences helps me is how to call for staff members or how to assign them during a preparation. We knew each other well so I was able to ask them something unreasonable and I had no worries to leave works to them.

Next time when I participate in other races, I'll make sure to check who are committee members, what kind of system they have, how to raise fund, etc.




You work for Mihara City, at the agriculture, forestry and fishery division. As Government officer (public worker), a member of Daiwa Souyu-kai (volunteer), and Toru Higashi (athlete), you play three roles by yourself only. How do you keep that balance?

Work is work, and a hobby is a hobby. So not really keeping a balance, I'd say. This may become a help to do little PR of Mihara city, so hope I contributed some [to Mihara city]. Daiwa Souyu-kai is a club which allows me to continue my athlete's days. Many club members gave me lots of help and it saved me very much.


As an athlete, I was glad to have Okino and Fukunaga, the first and second prize winner for a long course, who had good track records and real athletes at this race. Because it made this race level higher. As a short course, Fukuchi who run together locally, won the first prize and Tanimitsu also was the fifth place so I think we [Daiwa Soyu-kai] had something to be proud of.


As an athlete? Well, I used my time to practice for a race preparation. I was not in a good condition this June and July, it was ok because I was aiming for Ontake Sky race this August so not necessary to run too much, but I really didn't have time to practice at all which was difficult for me.




There are some tough comments at a race portal site where people gather comments. What would you think of their opinions and how would you like to do for the next race?

I appreciate to have comments even they are tough comments and we should listen to them to improve our race. As they made points, lack of our preparations made participants feel unpleasant at many things. To carry out this race, we management side need to make our committee more firmly and manage things with less hustle.

And trail running is still minor sport in west Japan, so there are some participants who don't know about this sport's character very well. We try to do output many information about that before a next race and let them know and understand it well enough before they sign up.



Are you planning to participate a race next year?

I'm interested in, but will be on a management side for a while.



Please give a message to people who have participated in the first race and those who consider a participation to the second race.

We will make Mihara Hakuryuko trail running race for all to have fun and make it as a good start [for those who haven't done trail running]. We are looking forward to seeing you next year.