
race: Tanzawa Bokka Ekiden

Just got to known Tanzawa-bokka Ekiden race today.

Before I'm going to details, what is Bokka? Bokka is literally "you carry heavy things on your own back and walk to the final destination by foot." (from wikipedia)

Some puicture from official photo gallery.
What you carry at a race is gravel.

Run with carring gravel or walk...?

With carrying all those kind of gravels? (Actual gravels' appearance may vary... you'll see!)
But these gravels carried to the top will be used for repairs trails.


40キロ 18歳以上の男子(男女混成も可)14,000円
B1 20キロ 18歳以上の男子・女子(男女混成も可)14,000円
B3 20キロ 男子高校生(男女混成も可) 6,000円
10キロ 15歳以上の女子 12,000円   

● Start at the Prefectural Hatano Togawa park. Each team has four members to do ekiden with carrying gravels along a trail from Ookura-Ridge, Horiyama, Hanadate (6187m length, 1010m difference in altitude) is divided into four sections:
• Ward 1 (2707m): Hatano Togawa Prefectural Park (290m) view point Miharashi goya (610m altitude)
• Ward 2 (1241m): from Miharu chaya (610m elevation) to Komadome Chaya (900m altitude)
• Ward 3 (1054m): from Komadome chaya (900m elevation) to Horiyama House (950m altitude)
• Ward 4 (1185m): from Horiyama house (950m elevation) to Hanadate Sanso cavin (1300m altitude)

A category: 40kg men over age 18 (or mixed genders) 14,000 yen
B1 category: 20kg men and women over age 18 (or mixed genders) 14,000 yen
B3 category: 20kg male high school students (6,000 yen for mixed genders
C category: 10kg womens over age 15
• The organizers will prepare for a bag which you carry.
• If a team consists of only high school students at C category, an entry fee would be 6,000 yen.

There was 60kg category before, but one time only. No wonder!


I guess I'd better to bring it again around spring next year since it's held around June every year?