

そのTOKYO BOOK SCENEでも紹介されているBOOK246さんでイベントがあるということで行ってきました。
I went to an event at BOOK246 who was introduced in that TOKYO BOOK SCENE.
그 TOKYO BOOK SCENE에서도 소개 된 BOOK246에 있었던 이벤트로 갔다왔습니다.

It was a pity that we had pouring rain, especially for a book event, but many people support this event even in this weather. 
공교롭게도 비 였지만, 특히 책의 행사에게는, 많은 방문자가 와서 활기찼습니다.

静岡県沼津市からはREFS(=REal Food Story)の小松代表がブースを。何年か前に静岡でお会いしたぶりでした。
There must be encounters at an event. Always.
Komatsu-san, Representative of REFS (= REal Food Story) from Numazu, Shizuoka,  is a booth. We've met at one event in Shizuoka some years ago.
그리고 이벤트에서는 꼭 만남이 있죠.
시즈오카현 누마즈시에서 REFS (= REal Food Story) 고마쓰 대표님가 오셨어요. 몇 년 전에 시즈오카에서 있었던 행사에서 만난 만이었습니다. 반가웠습니다^^

で、そのREFSさんはBaird Beerさんの沼津ラガーも販売。REFS sells Baird Beer's Numazu Lager today.
그리고 오늘 고마쓰 대표님이 Baird Beer 누마즈 라거를 판매하고 있었는데

Baird Beerさんのラベルをクールタイガーが担当させていただいております。
cooltiger has been working on their label artworks.
2003년부터 쿨타이거가 Baird Beer 레이블을 담당하고 있습니다 ㅎㅎ

And in front of REFS, a new magazine " 'Scapes", which was just came out, was introduced. The first issue has Kyoto and Myanmar as features. They will cover double features both inside of Japan and overseas under a theme of travel. 
REFS의 맞은 편에서는 막 나온 새 매체 " 'Scapes"가 교토, 미얀마를 테마로 한 창간호를 발매 중.

A nice smile. Iino-san, from an editorial team. See you sometime soon.
멋진 미소를 갓고 계신 편집부서 이노 씨. 다시 뵙겠습니다^^

Go, paper media, go!
종이 매체 만세! ^^