
パン・ラン/The bread runner 4 Chosei mura>naya

TEL 0475-32-3246
bakery 11:00~16:00
cafe 13:00~16:00
Open Sat. and Sun.

803-2 Iriyamadu, Chosei mura, Chosei gun, Chiba
TEL 0475-32-3246

There is a parking lot with a black fence for 5-6 cars along R30 and this two-storey bakery itself is hidden among trees in the garden.

Their website says to please refrain from taking pictures of the bakery. So here are lots of pictures of bread instead.

Vege quiche (¥250). I had this and hot tea with milk, which came in a decent size teapot.

温かい紅茶をいただきながら欲しくなったのが甘いもの… 持ち帰り用のいちじくとくるみ(400円)を2枚ほど切ってもらいました。
After I finish my vege quiche, I feel like something sweet... I ask them to make two slices of fig and walnuts, which I will take out.

Wait, it's not all yet! This is called "7" (¥500).
重い!やっぱりギッシリ、ナッツとドライフルーツが合計7種類(今、数え中です)入っています。(更新:レーズン、プラム、くるみ、オレンジ、さくらんぼ…どなたか召し上がった方、いらっしゃいます? 教えてください)
It's heavy! 7 different kinds of nuts and dried fruits are in it. I'm trying to figure out what's in it now. (update: raisin, plum, walnuts, orange, cherry, and... um, anyone has tried this before?)

Scone: chocolate (left) and banana and walnuts (¥180 each). It's soft but you'll get a nice crunchy texture.

The very rich chocolate and orange peel are inside. When I was going to cut it in half the knife got stuck at that chocolate.

When I run, I tend to choose something sweet. I should have chosen one regular bread at least.

naya is run by two gents and customers constantly come by. Wish I could talk to them bit longer.

My backpack is also nicely full. Let's make a move.

10.9km, in total 23.0km

Oops, there is an another one near here. This TBR is made for naya only, so...