
TBR21-4: Amy's Bread

The Chelsea MarketにあるAmy's Bread。Bleecker Street(ブリーカーストリート)に別店舗があり、合計3店舗です。
Amy's Bread has three branches in New York. The one was in The Chelsea Market. The second one I went is along Bleecker Street.

250 Bleecker Street at Leroy Street New York, NY 10014
Telephone: (212) 675-7802
Fax: (212) 675-7831
Mon: 7:30 – 21:00
Tue-Fri: 7:30 – 23:00
Saturday: 8:00 – 23:00
Sunday: 8:00 – 21:00

Bleecker Streetはおサレなアパレルショップが軒を連ねています。地元の人、観光客、入り交じって結構混雑していた日曜日15:00過ぎでした。
Cool apparel shops are along with Bleecker Street. Locals and tourists... many of them are passing by each other. It was crowded little after 15:00 on Sunday.

It must have an artificial Red no. XX is in...

There is an apartment which is in this drama near here.