
shop: RUN-PLUS

There is the shop which I was heading to, right next to Bakery Putit at Fuji VESTA Hakushima branch.
TEL 082-224-0701
平日 12:00~20:00
土日祝日 11:00~19:00
Wednesday closed

If you are a runner and once you step inside of a shop, which has just opened this October 1, you'd get too excited and dizzied with all those shoes and gears.


vibramも! vibramの現物がこんなに揃っているのを見るのは初めてかも、です。
I've never seen vibram's pretty much full line-ups for real like this.

そして極めつけはMBTまで! しかもブーツが出ている! 欲しい…
AND MBT, too! I didn't know their boots are out now. Tempting...

Re. MBT, I introduced a shop in Tokyo.

"I can recommend items which I've tried myself. If I haven't, I'll tell so to customers." Tadashi Torobu, store owner. He is from Kure.
He loves outdoor sports like not only running but also surfing and snowboard, etc. You can order your own insole here. It'd be worth to have a good talk with Toburo-san about your shoes, runners in Hiroshima?

You can follow him at Twitter, too.

It's really just right there. 40m from Bakery Putit.