
book: Fukuoka International Open Marathon Championship--a mystery of 42.195km

久しぶりにラン関係の本の紹介です… と言っても今回はミステリー。
It's been a while since last time I introduced a book. Here is a book I read recently, related with running but mystery.

鳥飼 否宇(とりかい ひう) 小学館
Heated running: Fukuoka International Open Marathon Championship--a mystery of 42.195km
Hiu Torikai, Shogakkan

The stage is a Fukuoka International Open Marathon that decides the representative for the Beijing Olympics. Main character is Ichikawa, a pacer, but each section is written by each runner's point of view, including a motor cycle police officer. In fact, they've been closed, very closed, at their school days...

Even this is fiction story, but you can feel how runners feel while running. They use each tactics at fast enough speed to break World record. "Why I am running I am so thirsty why I am running I am so thirsty I, run, water..." This is repeated in a runner's head like chant. I haven't done this before, but I know how it feels.

ラストはですね… あぁ、言いたい! 最後までペースメーカーの市川がストーリーを引っ張ってくれます。一気に読める1冊かと。
Last is… Ah, I want to disclosure! Well, Ichikawa, a pacer, pulls the story to the end. You can finish it in one day.

ps: Anaphylactic shock is also mentioned. See, no over-preparation for it!