昨日は暑かったですね。梅雨明け? 一気に夏到来?
It was really hot day yesterday, wasn't it? Rainy season was over now? Summer has come?
I joined a training of one running group in Oda field last night.
南蛮連合という80年代後半に発足した市民ランナー・グループです。現在、南蛮連合は約160名のメンバーが登録(登録は無料です)。 Namban Rengo, a citizen runner group which has started in the late 80s. Now it's about 160 members register (It's free to join them). 市民ランナーと言ってもサイトには「大部分がシリアス・ランナー」とあり、例年複数の駅伝に出場、約200チーム中20〜50位内という好成績を残しています。
Though I say citizen runners group, they say at their site "We are an informal organization of mostly serious runners." They've continued to enter ekiden races every year and finish well like 20-50th among about 200 teams.
ちなみに「南蛮」の由来は最初のメンバー5名がノン・ジャパニーズだったため。くわしくはこちら。 btw, where "Namban" came from was that the very first members were non Japanese. More details here.
毎週水曜日、夏場は19:30〜 定期練習があります。昨夜は40名ほどが参加。
They gather at 19:30 on every Wednesday. It was about 40 runners came last night.
The number of members was rapidly recently, Bob said. "People hear about us by word of mouth and maybe something with recent marathon booming, too?" The ratio of non-Japanese and Japanese was 7:3 or 6:4, but now almost fifty-fifty.
代表のボブ・ポールソンさん。ボブさんのブログはこちら。 Bob Poulson, the chairman. Here is his running blog. 実はボブさんとは13年ほど前、仕事で知り合う機会がありました。
ボブさんはコピーライターのお仕事をなさっていらっしゃいます。 In fact, the first time when I met him was about 13 years ago through work.
He is the "fastest" copywriter.
Long shadow.
How do you like them?
After explaining tonight's menu, Bob gave a mini lesson. Last night topic: How to shorten time to touch a ground. In other words, how to use your toes, not heels, when you run.
Everybody pays full attentions to him.
Last night menu: 1 set of each 2000m, 1600m, 1200m, 800m, and 400m. We were divided by two groups: A: 4 min./km or less and B: more than 4 min./km.
トラックの中の芝生を裸足で走っているグループもありました。 There were groups who run with barefoot.
We all sprinted the last 400m.
"Good run!"
Mika-san from Venice Marathon Japan Office was also there.
She is a triathlete and going to take part in a race this August.
Have fun, Mika-san!
ヴェニスマラソン、今年は個人エントリーができるようです。観光と一緒にいかがでしょう?;) You have a choice of how to apply for Venice Marathon this year: go to by yourself or joining a tour. It must be so much fun to see around in Venice.
Bob, thanks very much!
You can walk to Oda field from Yoyogi Hachiman Station, Yoyogi Koen Station, or Harajuku Station.