I've LOVED writing letters since I was little. And after growing up, just sending letters is not enough so I started to add a little touch: using stamps related to what I wrote about.
For instance, if I'm writing about trail running, I use this (Enactment of National Park Day "Motosuko-lake and Mt. Fuji" Issued on June 24, 1959) and
this (The 34th National Sports Festival, a long distance runner) to make a combination.
パン・ランについてなら、こちら(フランス 1992年パンと穀物国際会議)とか
About "The Bread Runner," I use this (Bread and Grain international conference, France, 1992) or
こちら(スイス 1985年パン菓子類製造職人連合100年)とか。
this (100 year anniversary of bakers and pâtissier union, Switzerland, 1985).
MARUMATE buys and sells those beautiful stamps.