[CAUTION: this page includes images which may make you feel sick.]
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I got bitten by black fly when I went to interview run like a girl event. It's called buyu in Kanto area, but buto in my hometown, Hiroshima, btw.
First I felt it's kinda itchy, but noticed how it's swollen (where bitten is warm, a spot where got bitten is seen, where got bitten is hard), so I got suspicious it might be...
Yap, it's a buyo bite, indeed. One day later (the upper part of a picture is toe side).
It became a blister. I made holes so tissue fluid is leaked out from there.
I used muhi, but it didn't seem to work at all. I asked a pharmacist and he said "ah, buyu bite. muhi doesn't work." Period! "Buy the best one" and recommended this one.
I guess it's strong that much?
Fluocinolone acetonide, Synthetic steroid (adrenocortical hormone*), Fradiomycin sulfate, antibiotic, is used said at official site.
btw, when I screamed for help at Twitter, Torobu-san at RUN PLUS replied with the right answer ("A
drenocortical hormone
4 min. later.
Thanks again!
Buto can not live without clean water. I guess it's a barometer of how much very true nature remains though...