Here are ones which I couldn't drop by due to limited time.
91 Christopher Street New York, NY 10014
Tel: +1 212 647-8787
Their origin is in Tuscany in Italy.
ブリーカーストリートのAmy's Breadの近くですね。
It's near Amy's Bread in Bleeker street.
I can see a green bit on a sign of subway so it should be one of line 4-6, I guess.
Pick A Bagel (main page)
1101 Lexington Ave branch
1101 Lexington Ave branch
NYC, NY 10075, United States
(212) 517-6590
7店舗で展開中。There are seven stores in total.
Google map shows everything. Don't you think?
なんでもWiki(こちらも何でも載っていますが)によると、一日に8万個のベーグルを作るらしいですよ! で、映画「You Got Mail」とかにも出ている、と。トム・ハンクスが言うセリフ「夜にH&H Bagelsの地下に小麦粉を積み込むトラックがどうのこうの…」のくだりがそれです。
According to Wikipedia (this also does everything, doesn't it?), they produce 80,000 bagels A DAY! Also they are in a film "You Got Mail." The line by Tom Hanks is "every night a truck pulls up to H&H Bagels and pumps about a ton of flour into the ground? The air is absolutely amazing."
2245 Broadway (at 80th Street) New York, NY 10024
Phone: (212) 787-2000
It's upper west side, not so far from Central Park.
NY地元ティの皆さ〜ん! おいしいパン屋やベーグル屋さんが他にあったら教えてくださいね!
Local people in NY! Please let me know if you have any favorite bagel/bakery store!