
item: mont-bell super merino wool


I was born in February, but I'm such a Summer person.

先日の和木さんとの練習の時、私が来ていたのはインナー2枚(finetrackのノースリーブのインナー、長袖のフツーのトップ)に薄〜いウィンドブレーカー。あの夜は身体で発熱する温度と外気でプラマイゼロ、信号待ちなどで下手をするとマイナスなんじゃない? ってほど寒かったです。

When I joined Wakie's practice before, I wore three layers, finetrack's no-sleeve shirt, long T-shirt, and thin thin thin windbreaker. It was really cold night and heat which I produced and temperature was even, if I stopped at signal, I felt minus.


Then, I thought. "I'd better to buy something decent for running before getting a cold."


mont-bellスーパーメリノウール ライトウエイト ラウンドネックシャツです。

I checked a couple of stores and asked clerks many questions and chose mont-bell's super merino wool light weight with a round neck.

こんなに薄い生地なのに、本当に温かい!! 先日のヒュルリで雨なパン・ラン47でも大活躍でした。
This is such a thin layer but it makes me really warm!! I worked very well at windy and rainy TBR47.

技術の進化ってすごいわ〜:) 詳しくはこちらをどうぞ。
What an awesome technology! Here is details for you.

What you wear in this season when running?

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