Just came back from Seoul, Korea, for business. I visited an office of Korean Climbathon Federation one hour before I headed to an airport.
The nearest station is Sports Complex Station, Seoul subway line 2. They've built a wider platform for the sake of Summer Olympic in 1988.
Mr. Park Chung Gyu, Director of Korean Climbathon Federation.
There is a little explanation about peace sign by Korean people (at around 36 sec.), btw.
He met Mr. Park at a race at the first time and since then they've known each other for a long time. He does trekking and trail running.
I didn't have much time, so I just wanted to say hi, but Mr. Park said "Would you like some bread?" Thank you very much for remembering that I'm a bread runner :-)
An office was under ground, but there is a bakery at ground floor. It was full of fresh bread aroma at stairs.
I just love it! It was crispy outside.
Thank you, Mr. Park.
今回別件の取材での訪韓だったのですが、ソウルからアクセスのよいトレッキングもできそうな山の話を少し聞いて来ました。プラス、トレラン+アルファな話も…!? 正式に決まったらご紹介しますね。
We talked about some mountains which have easy access from Seoul. And trail running+something...!? I'll introduce it here when details are fixed.