Not sure it was because of a sequelae of heat stroke last weekend, I had a little headache earlier this week and felt rather tired.
I brought a little flask while doing run + meeting. Also had oral rehydration solution and soy milk with almond flavor after running.
留学中の96年、キャンパス内で夜、自転車自滅事故をして肘がぱっくり割れたのですが、その時アメリカ人の友人が「エイコ、ビタミンEのカプセルを買って中のジェルを塗ったほうがいいよ。傷が残らないから」と言ったのを思い出しました。最初何のことやらさっぱりチンプンカンプンでしたが、多分、彼ら流・家庭の医学、もしくはアメリカでは常識? だったのでしょうか。結局少し跡は残りましたが。
When I was an exchange student in 1996, I had a bike accident on campus by myself. I remember that my friend told me "Eiko, buy vitamin E capsules and use liquid inside to put on your wound. It would help not to have a scar." When I heard that, I had no idea whatsoever what she was talking about, but it was her own family wisdom or even common sense in the U.S., I guess? A tiny scar was left though.
夏を待たずにすでに太ももにはラン・パンの跡がくっきりと… 紫外線は5、6月が最高に強いといいますからね。さて、少しは効いてくれるかな?
I already have a running shorts suntan on my thigh... Ultraviolet rays is the strongest in May and June. I'll see how it works.