There is a site called "have a break in New York" by villagecafe and this is an excellent reference for my Bread Running.
Bouchon Bakery was introduced and I thought "hey, it's kinda nice" and headed to there, but...
10 Columbus Circle New York, NY 10019-1158
phone (212) 823-9364
I thought that a bakery starts early but I guess not.
She said they open at 8:00. It was around 7:30.
Oh well.
Bouchon Bakeryが入っているビルから出てすぐのところにあるスタンドでバナナを買いました。
I bought a banana right in front of building where Bouchon Bakery is in.
97th streetから入って、約3.3マイル=5kmちょっとです。