I had a meeting in Asakusa the other day, so I dropped by Andesu MATOBA which my friend recommend for the next TBR.
Andesu named after "An desu (=Sweeten beans paste it is)," not the Andes. They sell not only anpan but also regular breads.
Andesu named after "An desu (=Sweeten beans paste it is)," not the Andes. They sell not only anpan but also regular breads.
I like this kind of paper bag with printed in one colour.
I love beans. Two colour beans bread (Uguisu and azuki). Uguisu literary means "a bush warbler" but in this case, it means green peas.
Tenshin-guri Anpan.
このチラシの他にもたくさん! 季節限定は梅もどきの形にピンクのあんが入った桜あんぱんです。
There are so many others too! The seasonal anpan is Sakura with pink an paste.
ジョギングコースとしては短いかな? でもこんな感じでしょうか?
This is bit short, but how about this course for your weekend morning jogging?
Asakusa Station (there are coin-operated lockers)
Round course along Sumida liver until Meiji street (about 4.5km)
Asakusa Kannon public bath, and get a stamp (They open from 6:30AM)
TEL 03-3844-4141
入浴料金 700円
定休日 木曜(祝日は営業)/closed every Thur.
Choose breads for your weekend breakfast at Andesu!